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Global Talent Stream program made easy

Alissa Bakker

This isn’t the first time that we’ve talked about immigration as an exceptional tool to increase diversity in the workplace, fill out your candidate pipeline, and find the stellar talent that you need to grow your business. Hiring international candidates is now even easier with the introduction of the Global Talent Stream program.

On June 12th of 2017, Canada launched the Global Talent Stream (GTS) Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), to the general excitement of the tech/startup industry.

The new fast-track program allows high-growth, tech-based companies readily import niche skill sets and talents in a fast and easy way.

Since the program’s launch, five of our clients have decided to try this new route, with exceptional results. It’s fast, straightforward, and Immigration Services are trying their hardest to make this the go-to process of choice.

Bottom line? The Global Talent Stream has made the recruitment process a lot easier for filling difficult positions in high-tech or other specified high-demand positions.

What do you need to know?

What is the Global Talent System?

The Global Talent Stream (GTS) is a fast-track stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) which launched on June 12, 2017, establishing a two-week standard for the processing of work permit applications for highly skilled occupations. The two categories of the GTS target high-growth companies and workers in identified in-demand occupations.

Who is it open to?

Are you: 

Can we use it?

If you answered yes to either of the above questions, we can likely help you with the GTS application!

What’s so great about the GTS?

We know that you have critical talent deadlines and are hustling hard to hit rollout and release dates, and so does Immigration Canada. The GTS LMIA has a 2 week processing time. So far, we have seen the GTS LMIA come back in 2 weeks, followed by a 2 week processing time to the TFWP. This is, of course, massively impacted by how quickly you can hustle on your end to get the required information together. On average, the process has taken 4 weeks, from start to finish. When we say finish, we mean a new employee with a work permit, starting with you!

Our Registered Immigrant Consultant, Alisa Nelson, has created a cheat sheet for employers to use. You can check it out here:

Global Talent System Cheat Sheet

Contact us to schedule a free consultation on how BLANKSLATE Partners can support your organization with the GTS!